Values of Stakeholders in the Open Access Debate

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Values of Stakeholders in the Open Access Debate by Mind Map: Values of Stakeholders in the Open Access Debate

1. Publishers

1.1. Making money

1.2. Quality research

1.3. Reputation

2. Funders

2.1. Government

2.1.1. Research

2.1.2. oversight

2.1.3. regulation/control

2.1.4. Science

2.1.5. Economy

2.2. NGOs and non-profits

2.2.1. research

2.2.2. knowledge

2.2.3. sharing information

3. Citizens

3.1. Taxpayers

3.1.1. fairness

4. Authors

4.1. Sharing information

4.2. Recognition

4.3. Reputation

4.4. Knowledge

4.5. Teaching/learning

5. Readers

5.1. Scholars & Researchers

5.1.1. Wisdom

5.1.2. Accessibility

5.1.3. Relevance

5.2. Students

5.2.1. Wisdom

5.2.2. Accessibility

5.2.3. Relevance

5.2.4. Education

5.2.5. Convenience

5.3. General audiences

5.3.1. Wisdom

5.3.2. Accessibility

5.3.3. Relevance

6. Colleges & universities

6.1. Ethical research

6.2. Accessibility

6.3. Reputation