Topic: Scary Video games are fun to watch and play

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Topic: Scary Video games are fun to watch and play by Mind Map: Topic: Scary Video games are fun to watch and play

1. Alien the movie

1.1. Hive like

1.2. Xenomorphs

1.3. Like ants

2. Video games

3. The Thing by stephen King

3.1. written by Stephen King

4. Here are some great horror movies

5. A great horror story has suspense

6. Suporting Detail (S) : Video games are often played by youtubers

6.1. Explanation(E): but i like watching youtubers play it cuz i get to laugh at them freaking out

7. Example (E)" Exmple of a scary skeleton Game

7.1. get this, a skeleton necromancer rises from the dead in the modern world

7.2. and trys to raise an army of skeletons

7.3. a necromancer is a wizard who brings the dead to life

7.4. most necromancers get there powers by draining life from people

8. Conculsion

9. In conclusion you should check out some scary video games you might enjoy them.

10. i got an idea with the main terror of the horrer movie being ripped strait out of a fantasy game

11. Five nights at freddys

11.1. Like the story

12. i like watching youtubers get scared

13. not watching

13.1. Get scared

13.2. Can get terrified

13.3. I don't like to be startled

14. spooky scary skeletons song

15. Friday the 13

16. Zombie Movies

17. Skeleton movies

18. TSEC

19. Video Game Alien movie

20. Walking Dead